Following WWII and the Battalion's deactivation, the men of 278th Field Artillery began meeting for reunions in 1947. Reunions were held all over the country, with hundreds of former members of the Battalion in attendance, officers and enlisted men alike. There were no ranks, just friendships, good company, and many stories, old and new. As the men were married and children were born, the reunions became family affairs for young and old. With the passing years, reunions were concentrated in the northeast, with faithful coordinators, Bill Widmer and Al Padula, running the events. They continued to soldier on for many years, even as the veterans in attendance dwindled in number, but not enthusiasm.
The reunions ended in 2006 with a trip to the National WWII Memorial in Washington DC. In those 60 years since the war ended, their bond remained strong and their minds sharp, always looking forward to the next reunion as a high point of the year. With travel being more difficult each year, the reunions came to an end.
This website is dedicated to the members of the 278th Field artillery, started by them, and continued by their families, just like the reunions. We are proud to maintain this site, and hope that it continues to keep those fond memories alive of these comrades in arms who we also called dad, grandfather, great grandfather, or uncle. We encourage those visiting this site to contact us if they have information or pictures to share, so the history and memories may continue to grow.
Below is some information about the last several reunions.
Click here for additional photos from past reunions.
2006 Reunion
Washington DC, National WWII Memorial.
2005 Reunion
The 278th Field Artillery Battalion's 2005 reunion was held in Hershey, PA on May 16-19. The reunion will took place at the Comfort Inn on Mae Ave., Hershey .
2004 Reunion
The 2004 reunion made the news in Central PA! The 278th was issued a citation by the PA House of Representatives, and 278th vets were interviewed by Rene Gutel of local radio station WITF FM. Please click here to listen to the interview.
Many more pictures of the 2004 reunion are right here!