Back to: May 6, 1943 - Aug.29, 1944: Formation and Training
This map follows the movements of the 278th from their arrival in the UK to the end of 1944.
"Helpless" in Northern France
- Sept. 1- 7,1944
The battalion marches through Normandy and points East, passing through St.Lo, Orleans, Troyes, and many other towns. - Sept. 7
CO Lt. Col. Taylor reports to Brig. General J.M. Lentz of XII Corps, and is instructed to bring the 278th into position near Toul. At this time the 278th was attached to the 183rd FA Group and assigned the code name "Helpless." - Sept. 11, 1944
The 278th FA fires its first combat rounds from the vicinity of Viterne.
Rhineland Campaign
Sept. 13
The battalion is attached to the 410th FA Group and sent to the vicinity of Nancy, France. - Sept.- Oct., 1944
Fighting in and around Nancy, including lengthy stays in Eulmont and Ecuelle. On Oct. 18, the "A" Battery appeared on NBC's Army Hour program. - Nov. - Dec, 1944
The 278th is attached to the 33rd FA Brigade and displaced to the area of Chambrey. Throughout November and December the weather proved to be a real difficulty as the battalion was hampered by mud, snow, and more mud. Fighting continued in various positions near the French/German border, including Obreck, Nebing, Albestroff, and Achen, and Kulhausen. On Dec. 7, the "B" battery fired the first rounds into Germany, at the town of Medelsheim. The 278th spent Christmas 1944 encamped at Willerwald and Hambach.